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Drake Mechanical

Commercial >> Idaho Dairy Farm Plumbing

The Treasure Valleys Dairy Piping Professionals

Idaho and Eastern Oregon Dairy Piping, Drain Cleaning and more!

Drake’s regularly works on dairy drain cleaning, elaborate industrial and municipal piping, pumps, boilers and equipment.  Whether it is dairy farm sanitary piping or Idaho dairy process piping even just drains that are draining slow or HVAC and refrigeration equipment, you have come to the right place.  Is your dairy still operating on propane, electric or fuel oil?  Intermountain Gas Company has added a lot of natural gas piping over the years and it may be an option to get your dairy converted over to natural gas so that you can start saving money on your day to day operations.  Drake Mechanical has converted multiple dairy fuel burning appliances, boilers and heating equipment from propane to natural gas.  Drake’s also regularly works on refrigeration equipment, motors, pump VFD’S, motor VFD’s and so much more.  If you have a question about how we can work together just give us a call or click on the link below so that we can get in touch and get your questions answered about Dairy Process Piping and more.  Call us today at 208-362-6200 or click on the link below.

Financing Available! Click for details.